5mo ago


Welcome to the Verisian Community, ! Let us know how we can be of assistance :)

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7mo ago

Introducing Validation Engine Webinar now on youtube

If you are looking for an introduction to the Validation Engine and what it's all about, please check out our first webinar:

0 replies
8mo ago

Study Graph Layout

what do you think about this?

structuring the graph layout like so?

the libraries would be the vertical ones, with "raw" if available, sdtm, adam, and TLFs/final outputs as shown above. The tmp datasets of files would by default not be shown, but just the files as "empty groups of nodes as above. then, when sth get's selected, you have the following difference:

so that whatever datasets are relevant for a selected dataset (in above example: adam.out), are highlighted between sdtm and adam layers...

1 reply
8mo ago

Demo: Study Graph

Again, nice to be able to try the setup by myself finally :-)

Suggest to include the log evaluation in the study graph so that you´re able to see where in the path the issue occurred. Also, when I click on a dataset in the datasets pane it would be great if the focus could change in the Study Graph view. All in all the way items are arranged in the study graph view should follow "rules". Not sure how you plan to do that but it does not make sense to shown SDTM datasets at the same level as ADaM. So if there is a file with the definition of execution order available, it should be used. Also, when datasets come from libs other than work suggest to visualize this by showing the libs as own "sections" on the screen. E.g. the user would immediately know if source dataset "dm" is dragged from work or is a static source SDTM dataset from the prod folder. BTW, this would also be interesting, having resolved libname references somewhere (maybe when hovering over datasets).

2 replies
8mo ago

Demo: Validation Overview

Nice work so far, glad to finally see something in place that can be tried out :-)

I like the overall idea of the validation overview. At the moment it´s way too general. The overview page gives me more information than the drill-down into the actual program. Here I see there´s an issue but maybe you should use different flags for error, warning, notes to allow to identify what really is the issue in the log. Did you try to highlight the important parts in the log? Also the impact of issues should be more granular (I assume this is coming soon :-)) All in all, this visualization will be more useful if more granular.

2 replies
8mo ago

Introduction: Henning

Hi and welcome all! Happy to introduce myself as part of the growing Verisian Family: I focus on understanding our users' needs and translating them into technical solutions that do what's needed and are as convenient as possible to use.

Before we founded Verisian, I held several roles at Bayer in IT, software development, and the scientific research & development divisions. I have done basic research, built products and infrastructures, and am now looking forward to contributing to clinical trial analyses and submissions.

As aptly said: I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and seeing how we can serve each other in this community!

0 replies
8mo ago

Introduction: Aaron

Hi everyone! I'm one of the Software Engineers at Verisian. My current focus is managing the Verisian Clinical Platform, which is the interface through which you'll interact with Verisian software, so if you have any problems or feature-requests, feel free to reach out.

Prior to moving to Verisian, I was the tech-lead for an agri-robotics startup for three years. Before which I worked on healthcare software aimed at clinicians/patients.

I'm interested in solving real-world problems through the use of technology, so the ground-breaking work we're doing at Verisian is a perfect fit. 🚀

I'm excited to see how the connections in this community can improve clinical trials across the industry and how Verisian can help that happen!

0 replies
8mo ago

Introduction: Andrei

Hello everyone! I am very happy to say that I have joined the the Verisian team as a Full Stack Software Engineer. In my job, I make sure that the Verisian Platform is up to the highest standards for our clients: it brings value and works flawlessly.

Before joining the team, I was a master's student at Cambridge University, where I focused on Theoretical Computer Science research. I am a passionate problem-solver and I want to use all my developed skills towards a great cause: advancing clinical trials, by improving their safety, robustness and efficiency. Verisian aims to do this by connecting great minds together and bringing forward a novel product! 🚀

I am more than excited to be a part of Verisian! I am here to collaborate with everyone who joins us on this journey!

0 replies
8mo ago

Introduction : Vishwanath

Hi everyone! It gives me great pleasure to present myself as a proud member of Verisian. Currently, I serve as a Software Engineer, contributing my skills and passion for technology to our exciting workplace.

I graduated from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur, where I honed my skills in computer science fundamentals, competitive programming, and diverse technologies.

I'm genuinely excited to collaborate with each of you in this community, sharing insights and experiences as we collectively strive for excellence.

Moving forward and reaching new heights! ! 🚀🚀🚀

0 replies
9mo ago

Introduction: Tomás

Hello everyone! 👋 I'm super excited to be introducing myself as a part of the Verisian team. In my job, I'm mainly focused to working closely with clinical programmers, ensuring we're always delivering solutions that meet their unique needs.

Before we founded Verisian, I was part of the founding team of TypeDB, an open-source database for applications such as drug discovery, defence, robotics and a lot more cool things. There we successfully built a large open source community with thousands of developers worldwide. My goal at Verisian is to replicate this success by creating a platform that not only connects people globally, but also actively advances science forward, together.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and seeing how we can serve each other in this community! Onwards and upwards! 🚀🤝

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