3mo ago

User docs and community created!

We appreciate your patience as we're building and transferring all the user docs into this platform. We're very excited to create a one-stop shop for anything and everything related to NVIS AI!

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3mo ago

Ask us any support questions here

Post any question that you can't find through our user docs. We're excited to help you maximize the use of NVIS AI in your environment!

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3mo ago

Helps us be bugzappers!

We're a small team, primarily focused on getting the most in-demand features built surround our core NVIS AI product. We appreciate you being another set of eyes to identify any bugs you encounter so we can promptly correct them!

0 replies
3mo ago

Feedback is Definitely Welcome!

Your feedback is important to us as we wish to make this the most delightful experience for you. We appreciate you taking the time in advance!

0 replies
3mo ago

Introduce yourselves! >> Create a NEW Thread

We encourage you to share the following so the community can gain better insights on how NVIS AI is used:

Company (and/or Industry)

Use case with NVIS AI

Social Media profiles (i.e. LinkedIn, Reddit, Discord, Github, etc)

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